Holiday Decorations And Pests
November 20, 2024

Holiday Decorations And Pests

It’s that time of year! Time to pull the bins out of storage and start making your home look merry and bright. Whether you look forward to or dread decorating for the holidays, there are some things you should consider about your holiday decorations to avoid ending up with pests in your home. These suggestions will help you keep your home pest-free.

bug crawling near holiday decoration

Carefully check your storage boxes

You probably haven’t given your holiday decorations a second thought since you put them away last year. Whether you stored them in your attic, garage, or storage unit, once out of sight, they were likely out of mind as well. Unfortunately, there’s a good chance all those bins and boxes were not out of sight of pests.

Most pests prefer to set up their nests and harborage areas in dark, secluded spots, so it’s easy to see how your boxes of Christmas decorations could become the perfect place for spiders, mice, or other insects and rodents to move in.

Before you pull your decorations out of storage, carefully inspect each box to ensure no pests have claimed the box or the decorations themselves as their home. If you bring them into your living space, those pests will likely move out of the boxes and into your home.

Inspect natural decorations

Although many people opt for artificial trees nowadays, plenty of traditionalists still get a real one for their homes. Even if you don’t, you might get natural wreaths, garlands, or plants, like poinsettias, to decorate with, either inside or around the exterior of your house.

If your Christmas decorating includes any natural elements, you’ll want to ensure those natural elements don’t have pests in them. Of course, when you have a six-foot-tall tree coming into your house, inspecting each branch for pests is not the easiest thing to do. At the very least, you should be able to tell if a lot of insects are crawling on it, and you should be able to avoid a Christmas Vacation scenario in which a squirrel makes itself known after it’s already inside.

Take care with holiday goodies

One of the best things about this time of year is the baking! Whether you can’t wait to make your grandma’s Hanukkah latkes or your dad’s famous Christmas cookies, there are some precautions you should take to avoid inviting pests into your house.

Many pests are attracted to a home because it offers a steady food source. This is especially true in the winter when outdoor food sources are harder to find. During the holidays, your home may be incredibly tempting to pests as you spend more time in the kitchen or leave baked goodies out for everyone to enjoy.

If you want to avoid inviting pests into your house for a sweet treat, you don’t have to give up making all your favorite holiday foods; you just have to take some precautions.

When you finish a baking or cooking project, clean your kitchen immediately afterward. This includes washing dishes, wiping countertops, putting ingredients away, and sweeping or vacuuming the floor.

Store all your holiday treats in sealed containers or in the refrigerator. Do not leave them out in the open.

If you plan to decorate cookies or gingerbread houses, consider laying tablecloths or some kind of mat on the table and even on the floor for easier cleanup, especially if young children are involved.

Consider your traditions

Every family has holiday traditions, and you shouldn’t have to change yours to avoid a pest infestation. Even so, you may want to think about the things your family typically does and how those traditions could contribute to a possible pest infestation.

For example, some families like to make “ornaments” to hang on trees outside that are made of pinecones, peanut butter, and birdseed. These spruce up your outdoor decorations and feed the birds during a season when food is harder for them to find. Unfortunately, though, these decorations also invite other critters to your property. Rodents and other wildlife will be interested in that food source. Furthermore, wildlife can bring bugs onto your property.

Although you don’t necessarily have to stop your traditions, if you know which ones might invite pests, you can take steps to prevent them.

Partner with Anti-Pest for a pest-free holiday

The best way to avoid a pest infestation of any kind is to enlist the help of Anti-Pest. Our locally owned and family-operated pest control company has been helping property owners in Shreveport, Bossier City, and elsewhere in our Northwest Louisiana service area since 1950. Our home pest control plan protects homes with routine pest treatments that keep pests out of your house and off your property all year.

For extra peace of mind this holiday season, contact Anti-Pest to get started.

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