Spring Pest Control in Shreveport
March 2, 2025

Spring Pest Control in Shreveport

Stop ants, roaches, and termites before they invade

Spring is a favorite time of year for many, with warm weather and new life blooming all around. But the season loses its charm when that “new life” includes ants marching through your kitchen, roaches scurrying about at night, or termites quietly damaging your home. Keep spring pests where they belong—outside! With professional spring pest control in Shreveport, you can stop these pests and other unwanted visitors before they take over your home.

spring ant problem in shreveport

Why pest activity in Shreveport often increases in the spring

Just as spring is a time of renewal for many plants and animals, it is also a time of increased activity for many pests. Shreveport’s climate allows pests to remain active all year long. Even so, in the coldest months of the year, it’s common to see a decrease in activity among certain pests, especially those of the insect variety.

As spring approaches and temperatures heat up, ants and roaches resume regular activity. Spring is also when reproductive termites, known as termite swarmers, leave existing termite colonies to mate and establish new nests.

How to identify common ants, roaches, and termites

Most people can easily identify ants and cockroaches. However, it can be harder to differentiate the species. Being able to distinguish between some of the most common ants, roaches, and termites (which can be mistaken for ants) can help you better determine which pests are on your Shreveport property and what you should do about them.

Argentine ants

Argentine ants are small, dark ants that are considered nuisance pests. They may invade your house and contaminate your food, but they won’t cause significant harm.

Carpenter ants

Carpenter ants are large ants that can be black, red, or a combination of both. Reproductive carpenter ants have wings. These ants damage the wooden structures they infest by digging tunnels in them.

Fire ants

Fire ants are small, red ants that mainly live outdoors. They build large mounds that can be several feet wide. Fire ants are dangerous because they sting when they feel threatened. A large group of fire ants usually attack simultaneously, leaving their victim covered in dozens of painful stings.

Pharaoh ants

Pharaoh ants are small, yellow ants that infest homes, hospitals, and commercial food processing and service buildings. These ants spread diseases and can damage electrical equipment.

American cockroaches

American cockroaches are large roaches that grow up to two inches long. They are reddish-brown and can fly short distances. American cockroaches spread harmful diseases.

German cockroaches

German cockroaches are small, growing to about half an inch, and light brown. They breed rapidly and spread a variety of diseases.

Oriental cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are about an inch long and have shiny, black bodies. They are most often near water sources. Like other cockroaches, they also spread diseases.

Smokey brown cockroaches

Smokey brown cockroaches grow to a little over an inch. They have shiny, brown bodies and are strong fliers. While they are primarily outdoor pests, they can become an indoor problem, too. Like other species, they carry and spread illness.

Subterranean termites

Subterranean termites rarely come out in the open because prolonged exposure to air can dry them out. Instead, they build and travel through mud tubes from their colonies to food sources. It’s not common to encounter these pests unless you open up a wall or other infested area in your home or discover them in the soil near your foundation. Workers and soldier termites are light-colored and look similar to small ants. Reproductive termites look very similar to carpenter ants. They are large, with dark bodies and a set of wings. These are the only termites that come out in the open and only do so when they are ready to mate. This typically occurs in the spring.

How to prevent spring pest problems in Shreveport

Preventing ants, roaches, termites, and other pests in and around your Shreveport property starts by taking note of the state of your home and yard. A well-maintained property can make a big difference in whether pests choose to spend time in your yard and eventually find their way into your house. Try these home maintenance prevention tips:

  • Keep your grass, shrubs, bushes, and trees trimmed.
  • Remove lawn debris.
  • Eliminate sources of food around your yard that might attract pests.
  • Address moisture issues both outside and inside your house.
  • Seal cracks and crevices around the exterior of your house.
  • Make sure your windows and doors are gap-free.
  • Keep your kitchen tidy at all times.
  • Eliminate as much clutter as possible from your house.

How spring pest control in Shreveport stops pests from taking over

Despite your best intentions and efforts, if you are dealing with nuisance and potentially harmful pests in your Shreveport home, you’ll want to do something about the problem as quickly as possible.

At the first signs of an infestation, contact Anti-Pest. Our home pest plan offers protection from over 20 of Shreveport’s common pests, including all of the ant and cockroach species mentioned above. We also provide the best termite control services in Shreveport to eliminate termite activity and prevent future infestations.

As a local company serving Shreveport and surrounding areas since 1955, our commitment has always been to our community. Let us solve your ant, roach, and termite problems with our thorough, effective, and affordable services. Contact us today to find out how we can protect your home and loved ones from unwanted invaders.

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