Where Do Cockroaches Hide Out During the Day?
Let’s face it—cockroaches aren’t the guests we prefer to invite into our homes. Still, in Shreveport, Bossier City, and throughout Louisiana, they seem to think homes (and businesses) have an open-door policy. Luckily, knowing where they like to hang out during the day can help you stay one step ahead of these vile pests.

How cockroaches get in
Louisiana's humid climate makes your home a prime spot for cockroaches, so they always look for easy access. Moreover, they’re small enough to fit through most cracks, gaps, and openings outside the structure. They can slip through tiny cracks in your foundation and walls, crawl under doors, and even come through drains. Gaps around windows, doors, and plumbing lines are also common entry points.
Why cockroaches are most active at night
Before identifying daytime hiding places for roaches, let’s look at why they’re not out and wandering around during the day. By nature, cockroaches are nocturnal, meaning they’re most active at night. This is partly because it helps them avoid predators, but it also provides them with a sense of safety as they search for food and water sources undetected by occupants of the structure. They also conserve energy during the day by staying out of the sun and away from the heat when temperatures increase.
Where do cockroaches hide during the day?
When the sun goes down, roaches come out. But where are they during the daytime? These vile pests like to keep a low profile, so you won’t see them lounging around.
They prefer the hidden spots where they feel safe. Think dark, moist places—under sinks, behind appliances, in cabinets, and even inside walls. Kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and crawl spaces are prime real estate for cockroaches because these areas provide the perfect mix of darkness and moisture. It’s also common to find cockroaches hiding out in the following areas:
- Inside electronics
- In cardboard boxes and paper piles
- Behind wall hangings
- Behind or under furniture
- The attic
But what if you are seeing roaches out and about during the day?
If cockroaches are active during the day, it could be a sign that their hiding spots are overcrowded or that there is a shortage of food, water, or space. This often happens when there’s a significant infestation, and the roaches must come out during daylight to search for resources. It could also indicate that their hiding places have been disturbed or threatened.
How to tell you have a cockroach problem
Several signs can indicate an infestation even if you can’t see or access their hiding places. Here’s what to look for:
- Cockroach droppings
- Egg cases
- Shed skins
- Live or dead roaches
- Damage to food packaging
- Musty odor
As we mentioned, seeing live roaches crawling around while the sun is still out likely means you have a severe infestation.
Cockroaches will go away once summer is over, right?
Unfortunately, no. In Louisiana, cockroaches tend to keep their party going year-round. That said, you might notice a slight dip in activity during fall as temperatures cool off a bit. But since it doesn’t get too chilly in our state, they’re usually still lurking around.
How to stop cockroaches from infesting your house
Prevention is key to stopping cockroaches from getting inside. Here are a few practical roach prevention tips to try:
- Seal entry points
As with other insects, cockroaches exploit any opening to get inside. To prevent this, you must seal potential entry points with caulk, especially around utility lines. We also recommend installing weatherstripping to block entry. - Reduce moisture
These moisture-loving pests are attracted to leaky faucets, pipes, and drains, as well as rooms with high moisture content, such as bathrooms. Fix plumbing issues and ensure proper ventilation in damp areas. - Keep your home clean
Crumbs on the floor and food and grease build-up on appliances will lure roaches in. That’s why cleaning up spills, wiping down counters, and cleaning floors frequently is important. And never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Toothpaste, soap scum, and other things we wouldn’t find palatable are a veritable feast for roaches. Keeping the bathroom clean is as crucial as the kitchen and the rest of the house. Don’t forget to pick up dirty towels on the floor, either! - Take out the trash
Since cockroaches are not picky eaters, they will happily forage in your trash can. Keep trash cans covered with tight-fitting lids and empty them regularly, especially if there is a lot of food waste. You should also make sure your outdoor trash receptacles are sealed and consider washing them after the garbage truck empties them. - Limit other food sources
If they can’t find spills and cannot get into your trash, cockroaches could head for the pantry and other places where you store food. We recommend transferring items from their original packaging into containers that roaches can’t access, including pet food.
What to do if you’ve found cockroaches in your home
If you’ve found cockroaches or signs of these vile pests in your home, contact Anti-Pest for home pest control in Shreveport, Bossier City, or elsewhere in our Northwest Louisiana service area!
Our locally owned and family-operated pest control company is ready to help you exterminate cockroaches and other pests with our Pest Plan. This year-round solution eliminates existing pest activity and prevents new infestations from developing. Check out our plan and pricing below or contact us today to discuss your cockroach problem!

Pests covered under Anti-Pest’s Pest Plan: Argentine ants, carpenter ants, Pharaoh ants, rover ants, fire ants, German cockroaches, American cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, smokey brown roaches, ground beetles, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, non-venomous spiders, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs, crickets, earwigs, mice, red wasps, Norway rats, and roof rats.
Pest Plan
General Pest Control
For Northwest Louisiana homeowners looking for year-round pest control for common house-infesting pests, our Pest Plan is a great option! Service includes an initial inspection and service to take care of the existing pest problem and then ongoing services that keep insects and rodents away!
- Ongoing pest protection
- Service every other month
- Covers 20+ common pests
- Exterior pest treatments
- Interior pest treatments, if necessary
- Fire ant control within 50ft of the structure
- Spider web removal
Starting at $40/mo
*Initial Service starts at $120. After Initial Service, subscriptions start at $40/month. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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